
What is Digital Marketing and why it is important?

Introduction:- Digital Marketing is all about includes brand Marketing strategies and techniques like SEO, SEM, SMM, Link building, Email Marketing, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing etc. It can be easily categorized into two segments are Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing. Why it is important? Nowadays, nearly every marketer is using digital marketing for their business. But how did digital marketing became more popular than traditional marketing? Because over the past few decades, digital marketing has evolved at a rapid pace. These days, a lot of people spend most of their time on the internet. So according to social media today, what happens in the internet every 60 seconds, there is a lot of snaps, clicks, text, videos watched, pictures being taken, tweet emails swipes, etc. Types of Digital Marketing:- (a)   SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization is the practice of getting from organic search results on any sear...
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